onsdag, november 23, 2005


i'v been talking to linda now for an hour,
and tomorrow's thursday. that mean
new One tree hill episode and
woho! i can't wait! :D and on friday im gonna cut
my hair, and first i have to fix it black.
and on fridaynight we're gonna meet up,
the girls,and then go out to this club, and play 'fjortisar'

wednedsay schoolstart 8.20am.
when did i went to sleep? f*cking 3.00am. lol
so when i woke up this morning.. i felt alittle bit like
"omfg. nocando."
so here i am, now, 1.17pm, about to eat breakfust (?) lol
and listening to the best music ever made, atleast on the best top 5
in my world. <3
porcupine tree.

and i can't say im happy i can't go to their concert in england, london in the beginning of december, but.. shit happends, and i'm going there later, next time they'll play. i can't wait.

i don't know really why i write this thing? does anybody care? haha,
but still, its fun writing it.
i had a strange dream this morning, can't remember much of it, but doggy dennis was there.
i miss dennis :(

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